Monday, June 27, 2011

June is almost gone

Summer is in full swing. The kids have had a great summer so far.
1. a week of basketball camp followed by swimming and playing at Devins house. Spencer likes basketball and this was his first experience with a camp.
2. a week off then a week of soccer camp. about 3 hours a day with devin, john, sam -- hadden and spencer had a great time. it was just what we needed for hadden to decide on his own ( with Devin's help maybe) to play soccer this year instead of flag football.. (thank you)....
3. had a week off and last week hadden went to a week of sports camp at thompsons station church.. everyone got some kind of award -good sport, good story teller, etc.. hadden got mr baseketball.. he is really enjoying getting outside and playing.
4. spencer had a game week last week at school - the carnvial.. so they won tickets each day and than got to pick out a prize to bring home.. yeah.. one more thing to throw away...

Spencer unlike hadden had not shown an interst in riding his bike without training wheels for a while. he loved riding his scooter though.. after some prodding from hadden he decided last week to give it a go and after 1 good fall it is his new favorite thing to do. everyday he when we get home from school he wants his pair of socks so he can put on his tennis shoes and go ride his bike...

hadden likes to shoot his bebe gun-- we went on a rabbit hunt out in the field near where we live..... it was pretty overgrown... spencer and hadden were able to shoot at a lot of birds but did not see any rabbits... on the walk back home i asked hadden if he had fun " No.. we didn't shoot anything".... mmmmmm

Carrie is almost due. the date of july 8th has been set for the day we get to meet our new son....I took care of shuttting down the factory last week..recovery was not bad at all.....

4th of july weekend is ahead with some swimming, pig/goat barbeques on the horizon.. until next time