Thursday, August 18, 2011

Spencer 1st day of school

Carrie took him to school. he was fired up. he told her on the way that he already saw the not she put in his lunch box which said " i love you spence, mom" he told her that if got lonely at school today he could look at the note and be happy. he brought the note home and was thinking he could put it in his room. quote from school from spencer. this was the best day ever. he road the bus home today and told me: i rode with 2 girls and they tried to kiss me. so do you believe a 5 year or what... the girl that tried to kiss him is a neighbor of mine and i know the dad pretty well. i texted him and she said no -- spencer tried to kiss me.. a pinky swear later and the first grader caved and said i tried to kiss spencer.....the dad has told me to have fun with your 3 boys while i go through this for the next 10 years....both kids homework is done for the night.......weekend soccer practices here we come....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Nash - Hiccups 2011

Can you say Hiccups – I had completely forgot about the little enemy for babies. It seems like right when you are trying to put them to be or down for a nap.. BAMM..they happen. And they do not go away in babies like they do in adults – you know – swallow your breath, eat a teaspoon of sugar, hold your breath… at least I can try to do things to get them to stop but a 5 week old baby – no current solution is to walk laps around Nash’s room while holding him until they stop where than he hopefully is almost to sleep. Nash is 5 weeks old and doing great. I would guess he is about 12lbs right now give or take a pound. He is smiling at the boys and hadden and spencer love helping with the bath and trying to get him to smile at them. uh oh… sounds like he is screaming right now. He should be sleeping….

Thursday, August 11, 2011

School Started today

School started today – Thursday Aug 11 – spencer does not start until next week. Hadden had a ½ day today and then full day on Friday…..another summer has come and gone. His only comment - we did not have PE today....

Canoing with the boys and a Lake day

since we didn't go on family vacation this year carrie and i decided to do a few things around Nashville...
1. The first was a trip to the Buffalo River for a 10 mile, 5.5 hour canoe trip. Carrie opted to stay with Nash while i took the 2 boys. it was a great trip. weather was hot, man were our butts sore, next time i will take a game day seat cushion...highlight was the rope swing/cliff to jump off - about 15-20 feet or so... the kids both asked a thousand times when they were going to be to the rope swing - it was at mile 9 of a 10 mile trip.... they had fun, the water was super clear and we saw lots of fish. we went with Chris, Andrew and Brady - everyone had a good time with no flips of the boats - however getting stuck on logs was a common... i did have to bail the kids into the water and have chris catch them down stream… this is a trip where having at least 1 other dad is key.
2. Lake Trip to Percy Priest Lake. This was a last minute trip for sure. Seth brought his son – Ashton and Hadden wanted to invite creed so it was the 4 kids and 2 adults. We rented a pontoon that had a latter to a top deck to jump off and a slide going off the top. We pulled the kids behind the boat with a tube and got to try to throw them off like our dad’s use to do with us.. but with a 90 power engine – not the easiest thing to do but we figured it out (slack in the rope and then rip the tube out of their hands) - no injuries resulted from the day. the highlight was probably tubing and jumping off the cliffs…it was a fun day.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

school starting

School starts this week for both hadden and spencer. Hadden will be going to 2nd grade and will have the same teacher he had last year - Mrs Rainbolt. he really did well with her last year and she was moving up to 2nd grade and were given the option to have her for a 2nd year. Spencer will start Kindergarden and think he will have Mrs Meyers - who hadden had for first grade and we both really liked her as well... they are both excited to start school and Monday night is the ice cream social to see what other kids are in there classes.

summer coming to an end

Hadden and Spencer have had a busy summer. Hadden went to SAC which is at the elem school nearby - they have games, art, labs, field trips (bowling, zoo,swimming every Thursday) - he did this on the days Carrie worked which were tues/thursday. these same days Spencer would go to his school where they had different theme weeks. one week that was probably his favorite was carnival week - they would win tickets and then at the end of the day get to pick prize based on the number of tickets they had.

Hadden also enjoyed a week at camp where some of his favorite things to do included. hiking, zip lining into the lake, shooting the Beebe gun, climbing the 40 foot climbing wall (i didn't make it to the top), playing sports, dodge ball etc... sounds like a kids dream week. next year Spencer will get to go. while hadden was doing that i had a week to spend with Nash and Spencer. Spencer and i went to the park and he road his bike around the 1 mile loop while i ran and then he would play for a bit until he was hungry and then we would go to lunch... we did this 2 of the days during the week and he brought his buddy Sam both was fun to spend some one on one time with Spencer.

1.. some random things Said this week - hey look guys a rainbow.... spencer - yeah - god is shooting it down - it is his way of saying there will not be another flood....

2. greg to carrie - i can't believe you have not seen JFK. Hadden - who is jfk - john kennedy - our president who was killed.... spencer -- yeah.. he was shot in the head and killed during a parade. i learned it in school....

baby is crying.. will continue this later...