Monday, September 20, 2010

Spencer Sayings

some funny things spencer has said recently.

1. giving us the crazy look after i have told him to eat his food and don't give me that look --his response -- that isn't look that is my face.
2. rocky man.... arguing with a friend of his who is trying to tackle him - he hits him in the face (2nd time this has happened) - his friend goes and tells on him and he gets in trouble ---- heard later arguing --- the little boys says there are no more box juices to eat ---- without missing beat Spencer " you don't eat box juices you drink them.
3. at the grocery store, - spencer you would argue that the sky is not blue --- well today it is not blue dad -- it is blue with white clouds today.
4. at home depot and carrie alway says "really greg -really" when i am saying or doing something i bought a weed eater and was trying to fit it in my car when spencer in the back seat could not get buckled and said ---"really greg, really"

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