Monday, January 30, 2012

Past weekend

The weekend was a busy one. Haddens had Brady's birthday party on friday night. it was at showtime sports were kids get to go play sports, dodge ball, football, baseball etc. Spencer went with Katie and Sam to donkey basketball. that is just what is sounds like. adults trying to ride donkeys and play basketball. needless to say it is funny and a great PTO fundraisers since it means the kids do not have to sell anything.

Nash - he is rocking on hit knees and thinks he can stand up on his own. He loved trying to stand and hold onto things and he is smiling and laughing. He really thinks he can stand on his own. he can now move from his butt to his knees but can't quite stand on his own. he can make it back from his knees to his butt. he is very proud of himself. he has teeth coming in and is drooling a ton and loves to be held right now. still making the clicking sound with his tongue but not so much roaring like a lion like he was a few weeks ago.

both hadden and spencer seem to be getting more and more homework these days. both are doing well in school and continue to excel.

Hadden's basketball team is 7-1 while spencers team is 7-0.. i like to thing coaching has something to do with it.. HA HA... i am helping coach both teams. both are in a battle to see who can score the most points in a season. they are both averaging about a bucket game. Both play good defense.

Carrie is enjoying a women's bible study right now. Monday nigths with our sunday school class. We both continue to enjoy our sunday school class.

I continue to run for exercise going around 15-20 miles a week. enough to keep me in decent shape. Carrie works out and mainly does the elliptical machine or boot camp classes with spin class thrown in occasionally.

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