Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14 - Geno's 61st Birthday

61 years old - my dad is today. happy birthday. he is spending it in Ohio which is probably colder there than it is in Nashville. Today it was 30 degrees with a nice 10 - 15 mph wind. it made running at lunch frigid. When I was coming in from running with guys (jimmy, Hugh, Steve) someone commented that my hat had ice cycles forming from sweating with it freezing outside. it is funny. we see people coming in from smoking outside that say - you guys are crazy for running when it is (hot, cold, raining, snowing) and yet they walk to their car to drive around the corner to smoke. mmmm..... on days like today I have a blue long windbreaker (rain jacket) that I wear and have been for years. folks have called this the blue tent, smurf, the parka, - but you know what - i would rather be hot than cold. who is ready for spring.... hadden and spencers basketball teams continue to excel. i think the scores were hadden 38-13 and spencer 44 - 4. They both are playing with a good group of kids and having fun. Nash is talking a little more each day. he knows where is belly, toes, knees, head, eyes, ears, nose etc are. He sometimes says No No No. when carrie and i try to sing him a song when we are putting him to bed. He loves it when his brothers get home from school - he runs around and chases them.

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